Suggested books
I have purchased the following books and would certainly recommend them all:
Computer releated:
David Flanagan's
JavaScript: The definitive Guilde (version 3)
published by O'Reilly
David Flanagan's
JavaScript Pocket Reference
published by O'Reilly
Danny Goodman's
JavaScript Bible (version 3)
includes a CD-Rom
Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen and Rabdall L. Schwartz's
Programming Perl
, published by O'Reilly
Craig Patchett and Matthew Wrights
CGI/Perl Cookbook
, includes a CD-Rom
Andrew L. Johnson's
Elements of Programming With Perl
Frank Boumphrey's
Professional XML Applications
Steven Mulder's
Web Designer's Guide: Style Sheets
- for information about Cascading Style Sheets
Cay S. Horstmann's
Core Java version 2: Volume I Fundamentals
- I have the version for 1.1
Cay S. Horstmann's
Core Java version 2: Volume II Advanced Features
I have the version for 1.1
David Flanagan's
Java in a nutshell, Third edition
- I have the
second edition
Bryan Pfaffenberger and Alexis D. Gutzman's
HTML version 4 Bible
- I have the version for 1.1
Business releated:
Godfrey Golzen's
Going Freelance
A guide to self-employment
John Martim's
The Straightforward Business Plan
Staurt Turner's
Public speaking in business
General interest
Ken and Kate Back's
Assertiveness at work
A practical guide to handling awkward situations
Brian Johnston's
I say, I say, I say
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